Network Chiropractic BYRON BAY
Wave Of Life - Network Chiropractic helps you to reset your nervous system.
Andrew’s unique blend of traditional chiropractic adjustments is augmented with a vast knowledge of the bodies energetic systems. You will be shown how to find, release and integrate tension stored in your body. This is a skill you will learn over a series of visits and have for the rest of your life.
We recognise there is some type of higher intelligence in the body. It coordinates your growth repair and healing. It regulates It allows you to walk, talk and do all the amazing things you do often without even having to think about it. If you look all our challenges in life, it’s all an opportunity for us to LEARN GROW AND EVOLVE. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger IF you fully process it, IF you integrate that stressful event IF your nervous system comes out of survival back to being open and relaxed, that’s exactly what happens. Your physiology actually gets stronger and learns to emotionally and mentally evolve to a more resilient and stronger you
Meet andrew
At Wave of Life, Andrew Badman practices a gentle method of Chiropractic that follows the principals of Network Care and Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI). Activating areas of the body where stress and tension is anchored stimulates the body’s natural desire to move and breathe to restore a sense of connection and wellbeing.
I am not a regular Chiropractor.
My aim? Your body does everything you ask of it.
Physically and energetically I assess and open new levels of awareness to help find and release body-mind blockages caused by trauma, emotional, physical, chemical, and mental belief patterns. Pain is linked to parts of your body you may compensate for, or twist out of shape. I scan head to toe, assessing your internal architectures for distortions, lack of fluidity and holding patterns. As you start to open up, amazing things happen. Memories from your first injury or flood of pent up emotions, occur. This always feels appropriate, like you’ve been waiting for it to happen. Clearing old patterns makes energy move through the body and regain physical fluidity. You may feel different levels of connection, like you’re ‘back in your body’ again. People often put their hands in prayer, look me in the eye and say “Thank You” or “Namaste… the God in me honours the God in you.’
Andrew practices chiropractic through the framework of Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI), a model developed by Dr. Susan Brown. Dr. Brown is one of the most advanced thinkers in the chiropractic world, and her method of adjusting uses some of the most advanced concepts of modern science, as well as incorporating her own discoveries of the innate geometry of the body. It is a subtle method, suitable for all ages and conditions.
Andrew is also qualified to the highest level in Network Spinal Analysis.
* Initial Consultation
Adults (standard): $150
Concession (Pension or Health Card: $130
Child: $95*
2nd Visit (SRI Breathing & NSA Adjustment)
Adults: $130*
Regular Visit
Adults (standard): $80
Adults (concession): $75
Children: $65
Babies: $50*
Children = 2 years and over * Babies = up to 24 months
10 Visit Plans
Standard ($75 per visit) $750 | Concession ($70 per visit) $700
Plans are to be paid in full and completed within 6 to 8 weeks.
If for some reason you need to end your care before using your ten credits, the balance will be
refunded, minus the sessions received charged at the standard rate.
Medicare: This clinic accepts EPC Referrals for bulk-billed Medicare Rebates. Visit your doctor
to get a referral.
If you have extenuating circumstances please discuss these with your treating medical
Missed appointments are billed at the full session price.