our Technique
Network Care is a gentle method of Chiropractic that teaches your body how to find, release and integrate tensions on its own. This is an ability you will learn over a series of visits and have for the rest of your life.
Activating areas of the body where stress and tension is anchored stimulates the body’s natural desire to move and breath to restore a sense of connection and wellbeing. You will be encouraged to have a deeper awareness of your body and how different postures are linked to your emotional state.
Andrew practice’s chiropractic through the framework of Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI), a model developed by Dr. Susan Brown. Dr. Brown is one of the most advanced thinkers in the chiropractic world, and her method of adjusting uses some of the most advanced concepts of modern science, as well as incorporating her own discoveries of the innate geometry of the body. It is a subtle method, suitable for all ages and conditions.
Andrew is also qualified to the highest level in Network Spinal Analysis.
“Historically, scientific reductionism has provided an amazing understanding of the nature of the body’s structure, from organs to cellular organelles and down to its genes. However, the limitations of this approach are clearly evident in science’s inability to resolve today’s health care crisis. Systems biology is a new field of science that allows health practitioners to transcend a system’s parts and gain awareness of the whole. A valuable example of systems biology is revealed in Bio-Geometric Integration (BGI).
Through a brilliant synthesis of tensegrity, fractal geometry, quantum physics, and conventional anatomy, Sue Brown, DC offers profound insight into the mechanics governing the operation and health of the musculoskeletal system. Knowledge is power and BGI is one of chiropractic’s most powerful resources for enhancing physical and emotional wellbeing. As an outspoken advocate of the ‘new biology,’ I wholeheartedly encourage chiropractors to consider the amazing insights provided through BGI.”
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD: Cell biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles
BGI Article
Expressing Your Divine Light with Chiropractic
Published in Insight Magazine March 2010
Please watch the following video to find out more: